In a rapidly changing technological and industrialized culture, The DuBois Circle, continues in its one hundred twelfth year to have active concern for theory and practice in politics, for poverty in a land of plenty, for immigration and population problems, for education as the stepping stone to employment and progress, for careers in occupations hitherto closed to men and women of color, and for the acceleration of the integration of the masses of Blacks into the mainstream of American society.
(Article written by Mrs. Patelle Harris, DuBois Circle Historian with excerpts from a manuscript by Dr. Jean Turpin in 1971)
Dr. Annette C. Anderson
Ms. Karen Bond
Dr. Tonya M. Brown
Beverly Carter, Esq.
Mrs. Carolyn Cole
Miss Beverly Cooper
Dr. Shirley Evans
Ms. Marilyn Harris-Davis
Ms. Michelle Bailey Hedgepath
Dr. Ida Jones
*Ms. Yvonne L. Lansey
Mrs. Evelyn Parker McClarry
Ms. Karen Miller
*Mrs. Nannette K. Mitchell
*Alice Pinderhughes, Esq.
Mrs. Laura Pope
Ms. Stacy L. Rodgers
Honorable Melanie M. Shaw
*Mrs. Margarett J. Shipley
Dr. Judith B. Smith
Mrs. Rosalie R. Turpin-Belcher
Ms. Jacqueline Washington
Dr. Patricia Welch
*The Rev. Canon Dr. Sandye Wilson
*Dr. Maxine Wood
*Dr. Edmonia Yates
*Past Presidents
Dr. Judith Smith, President
Mrs. Carolyn Cole, Vice President
Mrs. Laura Pope, Recording Secretary
Ms. Jacqueline Washington, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. Marilyn Harris-Davis, Financial Secretary
Mrs. Michelle Bailey-Hedgepeth, Treasurer
Beverly Carter, Esq., Historian
Mrs. Evelyn Parker McClarry, Member-at-Large
Ms. Stacy Rodgers, Member-at-Large